Laura Kornelija, with her right mental attitude and passion, has been garnering a lot of headlines recently.
The more we look around ourselves, the more we notice how some people have questioned the norms, broke the glass ceiling, and emerged as self-made success stories, making a unique space for themselves in their respective industries also filled with many conventional talented beings. To stand tall as a different talent in an overly saturated industry is a tough task, but still, a few rare gems have been able to do that, thriving on their innate skills and talents and believing in themselves. Serving as one of the best examples currently in the world of music is Laura Kornelija, aka Laura K. Inamedinova, a high-performing musical artist making her name count in the ever-evolving industry.
Who is Laura Kornelija, you wonder? Well, this highly talented being is all about her pure love, madness, and commitment to her musical craft. She confesses that right since her childhood days; music was something she felt the most connected to, something that made her feel she belonged to. This early realization made her believe in her dreams, which today she is slowly but steadily turning into fruition. “I knew where I was headed and was aware of the competition I may face in the industry, but then that is the case almost across all industries. Hence, not choosing to be a part of the industry was not an option as I always believed in my natural musical talents,” highlights the rising musical artist.
She has been consistently making genuine efforts to grow her music career and very soon is also coming up with her new album, which will yet again prove her excellence in music. Laura Kornelija has shown what it takes to become one’s best versions and how people can fulfill all their dreams by only focusing on sharpening their skills, gaining more knowledge, and working with the right mental attitude.
Do follow her on Instagram @laurakornelija to get more updates.